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Forever Knot Bright Blue



Show someone how much you care with the unique gift of a Forever Knot! This stunning Forever Knot has been hand made and mouth blown to create a one of a kind piece, perfect for a one of a kind friend, family member, partner or loved one!

Comes in an attractive gift box with a positive affirmation card.

The affirmation card included with each gift boxed Forever Knot reads:

“The offering of a Forever Knot is an old tradition representing a never ending connection. A symbol of eternity, harmony, loyalty and endless friendship. This Forever Knot is handmade and unique, intertwining both the past and the present. Unifying a deep friendship with no beginning and no end. Linking our lives and binding us together.”

The perfect gift idea for a special friend, sister, mother, daughter or as a unique wedding gift. Also makes a spectacular decorating piece so why not treat yourself to one as well!

Please note as these items have been hand made with love, each piece is unique and so colours and patterns can vary. Various depths of colour are found with each knot design. 


  • Width = 9cm 
  • Length = 20.5cm
  • Height = 5cm
  • Material = glass
  • Mouth blown
  • Includes affirmation card
  • Comes in an attractive gift box